
Yet the children of your people say, "The way of the Lord is not fair." But it is their way which is not fair!
—Ezekiel 33:17

It's interesting that the people in this passage are angry with God for His grace. God had declared that if a man was destined to die because of his wickedness, that man could be forgiven if he would turn from his sins and begin to walk in God's statutes. God also promised that if a man repented, none of his past sins would ever be mentioned to him again.  

Now, that upset a lot of the people. They didn't like God so easily forgiving sin. Where is the justice in that? Surely man must do something to earn God's forgiveness.  

There is much that we don't know about God and about His justice. What will His final disposition be to that person who has lived in some remote place and has never heard of God's provision for salvation through Jesus Christ? No one knows. But when he stands before the Lord and we hear the sentence he has been given, we will most certainly say, "True and righteous are Your judgments" (Revelation 16:7).  

Rather than criticize God, we need to learn from Him. We need to have that same love, compassion, and readiness to forgive as God does.

How beautiful that a life of wickedness can be blotted out in a moment! Man may shake his head and say, "That's not fair," but God would answer, "My ways are higher than yours."  

Father, how thankful we are for the grace and mercy You've extended to us. Forgive us our transgressions, even as we forgive those who transgress against us.

In Jesus' name, Amen.